Monday, May 28, 2007

pardon the delay

I have moved since I posted last, and while I now have a bed, I don't have Internet (yet). Thus explains the delay between posts. Moving on:

I had the opportunity to attend (and dance at) a pow-wow at the local elementary school last Friday. It was a lot of fun to see the little native kids in their traditional regalia. During one of the dances a little boy took my hand and said, "I remember you; you're the church people...I missed you." This was extremely encouraging to me, and once the warm fuzzies subsided, it helped me to once again see that maybe being out here is worth it after all.
The next day I took Moses to visit his late parents at an Indian cemetery. While kind of eerie, it was a neat experience and I have really tried to make the most of every opportunity to learn more about Yakama culture, which, the more I know and the deeper I get, the more uncomfortable it seems to be. This is best illustrated when I showed up late for an anniversary party at the Longhouse. I retreated rather quickly after a sea of Indian heads turned to stare- but I guess this is what they go through every day around white people. I am still working on being comfortable around people from a culture drastically different from my own, but no matter how motivated I am my fear of making a fool of myself and/or being uncomfortable gets in the way. This I will have to overcome. Thank you for your prayers. out.

1 comment:

ellen b. said...

Hi Mike,
I'm a friend of Lisa Dubbs. Blessings on you as you live your days on the Rez...