Sunday, July 8, 2007

As of late...

We received a team from Kansas City, KS this week. They came out last summer too, and had both Chris and Wendell come to their men's retreat back in the fall. They were really encouraging to have around, encouraging to the people of White Swan, to Sacred Road, and to myself. They were accompanied by an equally excited team from Seattle which made the week easier for the staff of Sacred Road, and opened the doors for new relationships with the people of White Swan.

Bruce and Linda Farrant, who work with Mission to North America's ministry to Native America are here for three weeks as well. Their presence is a shot in the arm to everyone as they openly encourage us with shared experiences and years of knowledge working in Native America.

The work on Camp Chapparal is moving along and the changes are noticeable. It's a big deal for the tribe to let us up in the unrestricted land, and they are openly thankful for what we are doing.

This past Wednesday I had the opportunity to celebrate our American independence with Indian casino fireworks. Native people are very patriotic, oddly enough, and much of the time I felt like I was in a war zone with the constant humming and popping of fireworks constantly over the past week.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to Pendleton, OR for the Wildhorse Casino Pow-Wow on the Umatilla Reservation. It was a big outdoor event and was a lot of fun. We saw a lot of people we knew, including Stacy, who was in Pendleton for the Pow-Wow, but also because she is currently homeless with her two young children after a dispute with her Aunt. Please pray that she would find a stable place to stay and for the well-being of both herself and her children.

(Stacy and her daughter, Rietta; Joshua is pictured below in the last post)

My research is moving along, but the next few weeks will be a little more hectic as I switch from gathering data to analyzing it. Please continue to pray for this.

Thank you all for your support. God bless. later.

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